The Implementation of School Based Assessments (Grades 5 to 7)

In Zambia, continuous assessments are defined as on-going, diagnostic, class-room based processes that use a variety of assessment tools in order to measure learner performance. Over the years, examinations have been used for selection and certification, without formal considerations on school-based continuous assessments as a component in the final examinations at Grade 7 level.
According to the Ministry of Education, the introduction of SBA aims to improve teaching and learning as well as collect school based marks to be added to the final examination marks for certification and selection.
On 30th June 2020, we had a workshop on the implementation of School Based Assessments.
The workshop was aimed at introducing the concept of SBA to our teachers. It was a guide to help teachers understand the SBA guidelines and further help teachers understand the importance of assessing learners to improve learning and conduct targeted remedial teaching so that no learner is left behind.