Welcome to Term 2, 2020
Dear all, We have now opened for Term 2, 2020 and welcomed back our pupils from Nursery to Grade 6 after an announcement from Government....

The Implementation of School Based Assessments (Grades 5 to 7)
In Zambia, continuous assessments are defined as on-going, diagnostic, class-room based processes that use a variety of assessment tools...
Following the Presidential pronouncement to reopen examination classes, I am pleased to inform you that normal class for Grade 7 pupils...

Spelling Bee Competition
Today, we had a Spelling Bee Competition between Grade 2, Grade 3 and Grade 4. Each class had two representatives From Grade 2, we had...

Nursery School Trip
Nursery Level B undertook a tour to Brookside Ranch. The aim of this tour was to consolidate their lesson about domestic animals.

Bonjour To Our French Teachers
Today, we welcomed our friends from France, Madam Genevieve and Monsieur Yvon. Monsieur Yvon and Madam Genevieve will teach functional...

Former Pupil (Wezi Kanowa) Gives Motivational Speech
Today (10th May, 2019) we welcomed back Wezi Kanowa, a former pupil of Crownhill School. Wezi gave learners a short motivational speech,...