Au Revoir Monsieur Yvon & Madame Genevieve!
On 5th August, 2022, we said 'au revoir' to our friends, Monsieur Yvon and Madam Genevieve. We miss them very much. Here are some photos...

Last Day of Term in Pictures!
We have come to the End of Term 3! We said goodbye to Ms F Chulu (G2 teacher), Mr W Chulu (G5 teacher), Mr B Nkhosi (G6 teacher), Mr A...
End of Term 3 - Letter to Parents
Dear Parents/Guardians, Thank you for supporting your children in Term 2. Staff Changes: Government has deployed seven teachers from this...

Let's Learn French With Pre-School
It is never too early to begin learning a new language: it's fun and promotes a healthy development. There are many cognitive and social...